Is 2025 the year you take control of your Pelvic Floor and so you can return to jumping/running/sneezing with confidence?
Is 2025 the year you finally address that nagging low back pain & have a better, stronger core & tummy.
If YES, then read on!
Next Course starts on Tuesday 25th Feb 2025 Online £137 including kit
* Or book in for a 6 Week Private 1:2:1 course, with coach Denise = including kit * Times to suit & some Evening appointments available = £397 - held in Jevington, Eastbourne, East Sussex.
* Online Membership PLUS = from £30 per month.
*C-section scar massage - 1hr = £55.00 to find a date & book follow - https://calendly.com/denise-hughes/lymphatic-massage
From Prolapse to Pelvic Floor & Core I can Help.

Our unique and ground-breaking ‘Every Woman’ programme which focuses on Pelvic Floor fitness and deeply improving your Core strength is truly is a gift that keeps giving and one that EVERY WOMAN should give herself at least once in her lifetime!
Enjoy a programme of movement, nutritional guidance and education regarding your Pelvic Floor, Core and women’s fitness / wellness at whatever life phase you’re in on this unique Holistic Core Restore® ‘Everywoman‘ programme.
The programme is adaptable for virtually all women and is designed to ‘bring you back home’ to your amazing body with your Pelvic and Core Health at the centre of our focus.
The Holistic Core Restore® ‘Every Woman‘ programme truly is a gift that keeps giving and one that EVERY WOMAN should give herself at least once in her lifetime!
This Programme is for you if you answer "YES" to most of these questions....
Are you a woman who wants to have a stronger and better functioning Pelvic Floor that does its job when you jump, sneeze, cough, laugh or run?
Are you a woman who wants to reconnect to your Core and have a better looking and stronger tummy?
Are you a woman who has ‘lower back pain’ issues and have been told is due to a ‘weak Core’ and so you need an "easy to do" and time-efficient exercise programme that actually works?
Have you been performing your ‘squeeze and lift’ exercises fairly regularly but still don’t have the confidence in your Pelvic Floor you think you should?
Are you a woman that wants an easy to perform ANYWHERE, modern and effective way to strengthen her abdominals, back and Pelvic Floor that will last a lifetime?
Do you have a small Diastasis Recti (Tummy Gap) after Pregnancy (no matter how long ago) that you want to heal?
Do you want to return to jogging, running or more athletic activities but lack confidence because of small leaks?
Do you want a better-looking tummy after having babies but really know that it’s an inside-out job so need to go deeper and work smarter than just doing sit-ups and planks?
Are you ready to prioritise this area of your health and learn ESSENTIAL exercises that will last you FOREVER!
Do you want to learn the importance of food, not only to help you lose any excess pounds but to help you nourish your Pelvic/Core and overall health?
Have you seen a clinician about a slight or low-level Prolapse and been told to ‘do your Pelvic Floor exercises’ as part of your management strategy but you don’t know where to start?
Have you had a Hysterectomy and now feel out-of-touch with your Core and Pelvic Floor and both want to and need to start exercising again but know you need supportive strategies?
Are you fed up about being in the dark about your own body and really want to take the time to understand how you can support it to work better?
Are you ready to learn the importance of ‘rest’ and ‘self-care’ in your wellness journey and take an hour a week JUST FOR YOU!?
So how does the programme work?
When you’re sure you want to join the programme and have paid to hold your spot, you’ll be asked to complete our online HCR® Pre-Screening to ensure that this safe and ‘conservative’ exercise-based programme is right for you and to get a better idea of your individual needs.
You’ll then connect with your Coach, Denise for a 1:1 Zoom session to discuss the Pre-Screening and go through a few simple tests for your Core Function so that we know where you are on your health journey and so that the programme can truly be tailored to your needs before we begin the group sessions.
You’ll then be all set to attend your first private or online class, where you’ll receive your HCR® Client Education Booklet and the key items of exercise kit required for the course and BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY TO AWESOME PELVIC AND CORE HEALTH AND FUNCTION!
If you truly feel this course is for you, please don’t delay in getting in touch for more information or simply signing up below.
WHY does this programme get results?
In short, those ' squeezes and lift’ exercises also known as Kegels simply aren’t the whole story.
Your Pelvic Floor and Core muscles don’t exist in isolation and separate too the movements of your whole body and your breath. And so for your Pelvic Floor and your entire Core to work as it was designed to, we need to re-introduce it to the rest of your body and get it to do its job in time with your breath and movement and whilst you’re not necessarily ‘thinking’ about it as well……just like it used to do before you had babies or before you reached the Menopause.
This programme takes into account both CONSCIOUS Pelvic Floor and Core work and UNCONSCIOUS work too through movement timed with your breath. It’s kind of the "belt and braces" approach and ultimately…..it’s effective in 6 weeks, it’s time-efficient and thousands of successful and happy women testify that IT GETS RESULTS!
Read What Other Women Who’ve Been Through the Programme Achieved…..
This programme is supported and praised by top Women’s Health Physiotherapy Clinicians
and the depth of education for every Coach ensures that they are truly supported in providing an outstanding experience and the outcomes that you truly desire.

Each person will receive the following Kit when you sign up and join one of our EveryWoman Courses.
Your "Keep Forever Kit" consists of:
Pilates Ball, Dynaband,
Foot Massage Ball,
Elastic Rope Band &
a Downloadable colour Holistic Core Restore ® Education Booklet
** Plus a handy shoulder bag to carry it all around in.
You will need a mat, a block (or a thick book) and a bolster cushion (or a few cushions).

We all know that improving your Core Strength or healing your Diastasis (Tummy Gap) and reconnecting to and strengthening your Pelvic Floor is an INSIDE-OUT job and the last job on your list is probably the traditional core exercises that you did before your were Post Natal...but do you also know that what you eat and the way you sit and stand REALLY MATTER TOO!
So, at Holistic Core Restore® we think you'll find this FREE GUIDE to 10 KEY FIXES to help you improve your Diastasis, Pelvic Floor and overall CORE FUNCTION AND STRENGTH hugely informative AND full of simple actions you can take RIGHT NOW!
This information has helped thousands of women and we know that in just as little as 10 minutes a day, you can start transforming your Core and Pelvic Health...
Enter your email address ABOVE to get our FREE Pelvic + Core Health Report and START HEALING YOUR CORE NOW!